Optik Teichmann
  Your optican and optometrist (HWK) in Vilseck

Optometric screening


As a trained and certified optometrist (HWK), I offer my customers optometric screening.
I measure the intraocular pressure, look at the client's eyes using a slit lamp microscope and take a digital photo of the optic nerve head (papilla) and the retina/point of sharpest vision (macula) and look for any abnormalities.


Screening is used to look for abnormalities in and around the eye using certain tests and machines. The aim is to detect abnormalities early so that if the test results are positive, we can then recommend a prompt visit and check/diagnosis by an ophthalmologist.

Optometric screening cannot replace an ophthalmologist, no treatment is initiated and no diagnoses are made.

  • Example image: left eye, retinal image, optic nerve head/papilla and macular image

  • Slit lamp examination of the front eye (lids, cornea, iris, lens, conjunctiva, tear film, eyelashes)

  • Non-contact tono/pachymeter, non-contact measurement and evaluation of intraocular pressure, corneal thickness and chamber angle using the “air puff and Scheimpflug method”



  •  Digital ophthalmoscopy, evaluation of the fundus of the eye using photographs of the retina (macula and optic nerve head) without pupil-dilating drugs, using a digital fundus camera



